September 6, 2021
Performance of in vitro devices against the Proficiency Testing, it’s the theme in a Workshop at the 2nd SBPC/ML Virtual Congress
A workshop promoted by Controllab will allow participants in the activity to access information that contributes to better decisions in their analytical processes On September 9, […]
September 1, 2021
Quality in clinical laboratories in times of pandemic is the theme of the 2nd Virtual Congress of SBPC/ML
Activity will bring discussions about analytical observations in Proficiency Testing for Covid-19, impacts of the pandemic on Accreditation Programs, learning and contributions of the pandemic in […]
August 31, 2021
Analytical quality is the subject of the course at the 2nd Virtual Congress of SBPC/ML
Enrollees in this pre-congress course will improve their interpretation of Quality Control data and learn about features that streamline their analyses Next Saturday, September 4, starting […]
August 24, 2021
Controllab discute desempenho dos sistemas em Workshop no 2° Congresso Virtual da SBPC/ML
Com o tema “Desempenho dos dispositivos in vitro frente ao Ensaio de Proficiência”, empresa promoverá workshop com comparação de desempenho dos sistemas, incluindo dados internacionais Abordando […]
August 17, 2021
Controllab will discuss Analytical Quality at the 2nd Virtual Congress of SBPC/ML
In another participation in the pre-congress courses, the company will present real cases of Quality Control and explain how to extract information for the analytical routine […]
August 16, 2021
Controllab promotes Laboratory Indicators and Benchmarking Course at the 2nd Virtual Congress of SBPC/ML
Traditional pre-congress course will address valuable questions about the practice of benchmarking laboratory indicators, aiming at better use for managers and teams to strengthen the use […]
April 5, 2021
Culture collections are fundamental to the analytical routine of laboratories
To facilitate the access of laboratories to the reference strains, Controllab makes available to Brazil and Latin America the most renowned collection of cultures in Europe: […]