POCT Glycated Hemoglobin
The EP is divided into 3 different programs according to the analytical systems:
POCT Glycated Hemoglobin I: For all POCTs except Glycated Hemoglobin II and IV POCTs.
POCT Glycated Hemoglobin II: For Eco, Hilab, Lumirateck and Nycocard POCT systems.
POCT Glycated Hemoglobin IV: For AFIAS and Ichroma POCT Systems
- Hb A1
- Hb A1c
Proficiency Testing
- POCT Glycated Hemoglobin I: Lyophilized Whole Blood of 500 µL
- POCT Glycated Hemoglobin II: Liquid Whole Blood of 250 µL.
- POCT Glycated Hemoglobin IV: Lyophilized whole blood of 100 µL.
- Quantitative.
Available tests:
- POCT Glycated Hemoglobin I (2 items x 3 rounds) – EPPHGI23 | EP838
- POCT Glycated Hemoglobin II (2 items x 3 rounds) – EPPCHGII23 | EP783
- POCT Glycated Hemoglobin IV (2 items x 3 rounds) – EPPCHB23 | EP763
Click here to consult the accredited tests according to the scope published on
Internal Control
- Glycated Hemoglobin I: Lyophilized Whole Blood of 500 µL
- Glycated Hemoglobin II: Liquid Whole Blood of 250 µL
- Glycated Hemoglobin IV: Lyophilized whole blood of 100 µL.
- Glycated Hemoglobin I: Up to 2 years shelf life at < 0⁰C.
- Glycated Hemoglobin IV: Up to 3 years shelf life at < 0⁰C.
- Glycated Hemoglobin II: Up to 3 months shelf life at 2⁰C and 8⁰C.
- Quantitative.
Available programs:
- Glycated Hemoglobin I 2x2xmonthly (2 levels x 2 items) – CIHG22M | CI072
- Glycated Hemoglobin I 2x2xn (2 levels x 2 items) – CIHG22N | CI072
- Glycated Hemoglobin II 2x2xmonthly (2 levels x 2 items) – CIHGII22M | CI264
- Glycated Hemoglobin II 2x2xn (2 levels x 2 items) – CIHGII22N | CI264
- Glycated Hemoglobin IV 2x2xmonthly (2 levels x 2 items) – CIHGIV22M | CI405
- Glycated Hemoglobin IV 2x2xn (2 levels x 2 items) – CIHGIV22N | CI405
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