Estabelecimentos de saúde têm a oportunidade de destacar seu compromisso com a melhoria contínua e a segurança do paciente, conquistando ainda mais confiança do público.
Certified establishments have the opportunity to highlight their commitment to quality and accuracy, gaining even more trust from the public. Achieving the Proficiency Certificate is not […]
The Online Forum on comparative indicator management covered practical and strategic cases to boost the efficiency and competitiveness of laboratories. Metricare, a platform supporting healthcare organizations […]
The company’s business manager emphasizes the importance of the partnership with Metricare in fostering continuous improvement in the healthcare sector. In the latest episode of Talking […]
Explore the options and understand the equivalence of the main collections. Culture collections are valuable resources aimed at preserving, identifying, cataloging, and distributing the strains deposited […]
The Online Forum addressed customer satisfaction indicators for laboratory competitiveness. In August, managers and professionals from laboratories participating in Metricare gathered for another Online Forum aimed […]
The technical director of the organization highlights the positive transformation Metricare has brought to the institution’s results. How is my laboratory positioned in the market compared […]
Wilson Shcolnik’s letter on his participation in the 2024 Conference in Canada published in the International Federation’s eNews. In June, Dr. Wilson Shcolnik and Dr. Alex […]
The company’s pioneering initiative simplifies the evaluation of analytical routines for the identification of arboviruses. The emergence of new diseases caused by arboviruses, along with others […]
In another pioneering initiative, the company enhances the reliability of diagnostic reports. Oropouche fever, caused by the Orthobunyavirus oropoucheense (OROV) arbovirus, is a growing public health […]
The online meeting discussed the implementation and importance of the effective use of this quality control tool in analytical establishments. The recording of the online meeting […]
Metricare promotes an Online Forum with practical cases and strategies to boost the efficiency and competitiveness of laboratories. In the months of June and July, managers […]
The Controllab Program includes three distinct levels (positive for Influenza A, positive for Influenza B, and negative), allowing the evaluation of interferences and cross-reactions in analytical […]
The pilot project includes microbiology indicators to enhance efficiency and safety in clinical laboratories SBPC/ML and Controllab, partners in the laboratory module of indicators, are once […]
The director of HTS emphasized the importance of laboratories using an indicator management system in their routines in an exclusive interview. In an increasingly dynamic and […]
New strategic partnership promotes more efficiency and reliability in decision-making in the laboratory sector. In a significant move to improve the management of laboratory indicators, the […]
Proper monitoring at all stages of the production of a product or service ensures that they meet the highest quality standards. Recently, the National Health Surveillance […]
Novo episódio do ‘Conversa D’ traz a Gestora da Matrix destacando a integração e o sistema de informação nos processos laboratoriais. Sabia que é possível maximizar […]
In the pursuit of excellence, reputation and credibility guide the choice of your business. An important ally for organizations to engage with their audience regarding the […]
Establishments that have received certification can demonstrate their commitment to quality to the public. Controllab has issued the 2023 proficiency certificate to all establishments that met […]
Organized by SBPC/ML and Controllab, the initiative solidifies the institutions’ commitment to improving healthcare sector quality and efficiency. On Saturday, November 25th, 2023, the 1st Laboratory […]
Coordenado pela SBPC/ML em parceria com Controllab, o grupo busca estabelecer padrões de excelência na captura de dados relevantes para a medicina laboratorial. Acontecerá no dia […]
Discover the essential metrics of the recollection indicator and boost your results. The recollection indicator is extremely relevant for laboratory outcomes, as it can influence productivity, […]
New platform reduces costs, increases efficiency and promotes the sustainability of your business. Metricare is the data platform that facilitates day-to-day decision-making in health and well-being companies, […]
Desenvolvedoras são as novas parceiras do Programa de Benchmarking e Indicadores Laboratoriais da Controllab e SBPC/ML. As desenvolvedoras HTS e TCM são as novas parceiras do […]
Abordagem ressaltou as atualizações do marco regulatório que ampliaram exigências de garantia de qualidade e gestão dos dados. A relevância dos indicadores laboratoriais foi tema de […]
Conheça as diretrizes da nova resolução sobre o uso de indicadores e impulsione a competitividade do laboratório. A Resolução RDC 786/2023 trouxe atualizações regulatórias para o setor […]
New “Talking A” approach explains the verification process and its role in the reliability of laboratory results. Another edition of the series of educational conversations promoted […]
Company scope update promotes more quality in several segments. Controllab is a benchmark in quality control for assays and offers solutions to ensure analytical quality, such […]
Normative instruction makes it mandatory to carry out the karyotype exam in the screening of candidates for gamete donation, highlighting the importance of quality control for […]