We are the largest Brazilian laboratory quality control company
Since 1977 we have been working with the objective of sowing quality and we are committed to taking care of life. The 47-year history of the company is based on the commitment to offer complete and integrated solutions in quality and assertiveness of laboratory results.
The services provided by Controllab facilitate routine for laboratory accreditation processes and regulatory bodies in the broadest portfolio on the market: there are more than 3,500 tests.

We are a full solution company in several segments: clinical, blood bank, veterinary, microbiology and physical-chemical tests for medicines, food, sanitizers, water and effluents, fuels and others, among services that serve hospitals and industries.
With a focus on developing the best user experience, we help clients to provide accurate, indisputable services and that stand out in the national and international markets. We have unique know-how in quality control solutions. We have the exclusive support of important scientific societies and the recognition of the main standards related to our performance: ISO 9001, 17025, 17034 and 17043.
Our story
Vanguard, leadership, quality and professionalism: Controllab is represented by the trajectory of Mr. Marcio Biasoli,
son of a pharmacist, from where he inherited the deep respect and concern for the health of the population.

Marcio Biasoli
Controllab President
Marcio Biasoli creates the biochemistry internal and external control program for 20 laboratories.
On July 12, 1977, Controllab was founded.
Inclusion of educational materials, courses, advice and calibration services. The services were updated, following international protocols.
ANVISA recognition as a proficiency test provider; Accreditation as a Cgcre/Inmetro calibration laboratory; ISO 9001 certification; Online System Software.
Laboratory Indicators Program; Blood Bank/Hemotherapy Program
Start of the L'Avenir project; Partnership with the Brazilian Society of Veterinary Medicine (SBMV) and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz); Launch of the books "Management of the analytical phase for laboratories".
Availability of digitalized tests; Quality control for testing laboratories.
Accreditation as a CRM producer by Cgcre/Inmetro; Expansion and internationalization of the Benchmarking and Laboratory Indicators Program.
Accreditation as a CRM producer by Cgcre/Inmetro; Expansion and internationalization of the Benchmarking and Laboratory Indicators Program.
International Expansion; Partnership with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA); Partnership with LIS companies; Launch of CI ONLINE and Analytical Quality Management Software;
Pioneering in laboratory quality control actions for Covid-19, receiving recognition as the first globally accredited provider for all virus detection methodologies.
In another pioneering initiative, Controllab launched quality control for Monkeypox; The company structured the Education Sector, reinforcing its commitment to education since its foundation, aiming to expand the offering of materials and activities for the improvement of professionals in the laboratory quality field.
Adherence to important International Scientific Societies: International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) and European Organisation for External Quality Assurance Providers in Laboratory Medicine (EQALM).

Vinícius Biasoli
Executive Director Controllab
The Controllab team consists of more than 400 direct employees, along with approximately 100 technical-scientific advisors who are committed to updating, innovation, and the quality of services. Located in Rio de Janeiro, with approximately 10,000 m² of built area, Controllab is divided into two structures:
Preparation of Materials
Proyectada para atender las Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación de muestras para los Ensayos de Aptitud, Control Interno, Materiales de Referencia y Cepa de Referencia. Posee áreas de producción química y bilógica, laboratorio de control da calidad, áreas de esterilización, cámaras frías y liofilizadores.
It encompasses all sectors involved in the management process of Proficiency Testing, Calibration, Advisory, Training and Business Administration. Among them, Research & Development, Customer Management, Quality Assurance, Service and Project Management, Information Technology, Marketing and New Business.
are conducted according to Good Manufacturing Practices of the Ministry of Health, AOAC/ISO/IUPAC International Protocol (homogeneity and stability of items), ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17043: 2011 (Conformity Assessment - General Requirements for Proficiency Tests ) and ANVISA/GGLAS 02/43 procedure.
Solid Principles
Our values and principles are solid and we want to spread them even more, as we are sure that they are what unite us with our partners and customers.
To provide efficient services, guaranteeing indisputable performance and accurate results for our customers.
To be references in the Americas in offering services and technologies for quality control, providing reliability for laboratories and safety for citizens.
Competence, experience, confidence and innovation.
Our Numbers
47 years
of history
and performance
+3500 tests
04 accreditations
+20 years
Offer services that meet the real needs of our customers through the search for new opportunities and constant technological updating, keeping our quality management system in a continuous process of improvement, with total involvement and commitment of our employees, attending
Note: all Controllab services are supported by procedures for handling doubts, suggestions or complaints. These procedures are available for consultation by the interested parties.
Accreditations, Certifications and Qualifications
Continuous improvement, based on quality and reliability, provides Controllab with the following recognitions:
click on each of the stamps to view the scopes and get more details
According to the scope published on www.gov.br/inmetro
Controllab Branding Guidelines

In January 2021, Controllab announced the evolution of its brand. Following the company’s trajectory, the new branding reflects the zeal for quality and care for life.
Note: Controllab grants the laboratories registered and active in the Proficiency Test the authorization to use the Quality Control Seal (CQ Seal) in their media. The QC Seal is evidence of active and continuous participation in External Quality Control.