Equine Hematology
Tests included in Veterinary Hematology programs:
- Red blood cells
- Hemoglobin
- Hematocrit
- Platelets
- VPM *
- PCT *
- PDW *
- Neutrophils *
- Lymphocytes *
- Monocytes *
- Eosinophils *
- Basophils *
- Granulocytes *
- MID *
- MXD *
- Leukocytes
* Tests offered as education.
Proficiency Testing
- Equine: Liquid equine blood of 1,0 mL.
Available programs:
- Hematology – Equine (2 items x 4 rounds) – EPVHHE24 | EP064
Click here to consult the accredited tests according to the scope published on www.gov.br/inmetro
Internal Control
- Blood of animal origin of 2,0 mL.
- Up to 120 days of shelf life at 2 to 8⁰C.
Available programs:
- Hematology – Equine 2x1xmonthly (2 levels x 1 item) – CIVHHE21M | CI155
- Hematology – Equine 2x1xn (2 levels x 1 item) – CIVHHE21N | CI155
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