A recording of the Online Meeting that covered the main aspects related to this quality tool is available.
Enhance your knowledge about Proficiency Testing (PT) with the recording of the class provided for free by Controllab on the Online Meeting page. The educational initiative was conducted by biologist and technical analyst in the company’s service management sector, Juliana Casali.
The specialist discussed what PT is and how it works; details about Controllab’s PT; preparation of the materials included in the program, the cycle of rounds, and the evaluation criteria for quantitative and qualitative programs; as well as the information generated by the tool and what can be achieved with the use of PT.
The professionals who attended live considered the approach excellent and enlightening. One participant stated that the meeting “clearly showed how to participate and integrate the laboratory into Proficiency Testing and demonstrated the importance of implementing PT in the laboratory”.
Where to watch?
Click here and check out this approach right now!
It is worth noting that participating live in the Online Meetings allows you to clarify your doubts on the topic discussed, as well as ensure your participation certificate, which is essential for demonstrating professional development.
Check out the recordings of other classes on the Online Meeting page. Take the opportunity to subscribe to Controllab’s channels on WhatsApp and YouTube to stay updated on all the content produced by the company with total agility and expand your knowledge.