Certified establishments have the opportunity to highlight their commitment to quality and accuracy, gaining even more trust from the public. Achieving the Proficiency Certificate is not […]
The company’s pioneering initiative simplifies the evaluation of analytical routines for the identification of arboviruses. The emergence of new diseases caused by arboviruses, along with others […]
In another pioneering initiative, the company enhances the reliability of diagnostic reports. Oropouche fever, caused by the Orthobunyavirus oropoucheense (OROV) arbovirus, is a growing public health […]
In the pursuit of excellence, reputation and credibility guide the choice of your business. An important ally for organizations to engage with their audience regarding the […]
Establishments that have received certification can demonstrate their commitment to quality to the public. Controllab has issued the 2023 proficiency certificate to all establishments that met […]
Normative instruction makes it mandatory to carry out the karyotype exam in the screening of candidates for gamete donation, highlighting the importance of quality control for […]
Analytical quality assessment tool, also known as External Control, has more effective use in the laboratory if some attributes are considered To produce reliable and consistent […]
Controllab convida os profissionais para colaborar com informações dessas rotinas e participar do aprimoramento do Ensaio de Proficiência A Hemoglobinúria Paroxística Noturna (HPN) é uma doença […]
Experts reinforce that vaccination is the greatest weapon against the disease, which can also be controlled with quick and accurate diagnoses In the last few weeks, […]
Cases registered in the neighboring country show the importance of rapid and accurate diagnosis In September, the Argentine Ministry of Health identified an outbreak of bilateral […]
An initiative launched to assess the reliability of analyzes and implementation of routines to detect the virus in humans is extended to companion animals. First round […]
In a recent publication, the Brazilian Ministry of Health reinforced the guidelines regarding the need to intensify laboratory and epidemiological surveillance to control the spread of […]
Laboratories in Brazil and other countries have already confirmed their participation to assess the reliability of the analyzes and the implementation of routines. The laboratory segment […]
In the midst of the spread of the disease, participating in the Proficiency Testing is essential for the reliability of the analyzes and evaluation of the […]
The company started 2022 with updates for its users. The documents that show the commitment of the laboratory to proficiency testing were reformulated to support laboratory […]
Regular participation in interlaboratory comparisons demonstrates the reliability of the report and the virus identification routine Responsible for infecting more than 700 million people around the […]
The company will participate in a round table with the theme “Metrological traceability of laboratory tests in perspective”, bringing discussions with experts from different entities.
Estruturada conforme os critérios da ISO/IEC 17043, a rodada piloto está prevista para novembro e contemplará Ensaio de Proficiência para mapear o genoma viral de diferentes […]
The company stands out as a full solution operating in several segments, serving from human to environmental analysis. Throughout its trajectory of more than 40 years, […]
Controllab participates in an article published from a pioneering research with Brazilian laboratories, aiming to expand knowledge on the subject and encourage the continuing education of […]
O Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública de Santa Catarina (LACEN/SC) completa 70 anos em 2021 e, para celebrar esse período, diversas atividades estão em curso O […]
Those interested in participating in the pilot round can sign up for participation until July 23rd “Neonatal heel prick” is the popular name given to the […]
Microbiological laboratories may signal interest in the pilot round to assess the accuracy of the techniques and inputs applied in the tests for the water matrix […]
Those interested in participating in the pilot round, structured according to the criteria of ISO/IEC 17043, can sign up for participation until June 18 As technology […]
A rodada piloto dos novos ensaios acontecerá em julho e foi estruturada conforme as diretrizes da ISO/IEC 17043 Entre os produtos apícolas, destaca-se o mel, que […]
To guarantee the reliability of the laboratory reports that carry out the diagnosis of Covid-19, from April, the Proficiency Testing for Molecular Biology of SARS-CoV2 will […]
Aware of the movements in the diagnostic market for the exam, the company will provide Proficiency Testing for RDT/Point of Care (POC) in April In February […]
Accredited companies convey a commitment to quality, credibility and reliability in the services offered A method of evaluation and certification, which seeks, through requirements and standards, […]
Muito além da obrigação legislativa, Ensaio de Proficiência é fundamental no processo de melhoria contínua do laboratório. Procurar um novo caminho nas decisões de melhoria do […]
A pioneer in the quality control initiatives for SARS-CoV2, Controllab – the country’s largest proficiency provider, launched in February the Proficiency Testing for Research on Neutralizing […]