In recent years, Controllab’s pioneering trajectory, leadership, quality, and professionalism have significantly contributed to the improvement of the quality of health services provided to the population. This global expansion supports its mission to elevate laboratory quality standards and incorporate innovation and excellence into its solutions.
Membership in International Scientific Societies
Task Force on Global Lab Quality (TF-GLQ)
For the specialist, actively participating in the discussions promoted by the TF-GLQ facilitates access to and sharing of specialized knowledge, professional development, and the opportunity to contribute to the global improvement of quality control practices.
Laboratory Errors and Patient Safety (WG-LEPS)
Controllab’s manager of indicators and accreditations, Fernando Berlitz, is a member of the Laboratory Errors and Patient Safety (WG-LEPS). Berlitz highlights the value of the topics discussed among specialists and the importance of being part of this working group:
– The objective of the working group WG-LEPS is to enhance patient safety and the quality of laboratory services through data that enable the identification, analysis, and mitigation of laboratory errors. The group focuses on developing and promoting harmonized practices for error detection and prevention, as well as creating guidelines and strategies to improve patient safety management in clinical laboratories globally, Berlitz states.
In June, the specialist attended the 2024 Conference on Laboratory Indicators in Quebec, Canada, organized by WG-LEPS. Alongside Dr. Wilson Shcolnik and Dr. Alex Galoro, representing the Brazilian Society of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (SBPC/ML), they presented the Metricare indicators platform and highlighted their experiences with the laboratory indicators program launched in 2006 by SBPC/ML in collaboration with Controllab. Currently, the program serves approximately 390 organizations in 17 countries and aims to positively impact organizational management and healthcare.
Committee on Point-of-Care Testing (C-POCT)
Luiza Bottino, manager of research and development in services at Controllab, is a member of the Committee on Point-of-Care Testing (C-POCT) and discusses relevant aspects in idea exchange with Point-of-Care testing experts from around the world:
– Currently, Point-of-Care Tests (POCTs) have a significant impact on the field of laboratory medicine. There is a global trend towards increasing access to healthcare; however, experts prioritize ensuring the quality and reliability of results provided by rapid testing. This committee plays a crucial role in attempting to harmonize global awareness in driving best practices for POCT systems, emphasizes Luiza.
According to the specialist, C-POCT comprises members from different locations worldwide, facilitating diverse insights into each country’s healthcare systems and regulations, as well as various perspectives from experts in the field. In this sense, it becomes an opportunity to collaboratively contribute with other members to achieve the committee’s goals and add significant benefits to healthcare services for Brazilian society.
IFCC – WorldLab 2024

Controllab’s international presence also includes participation in highly relevant international events, such as the exhibition at IFCC WorldLab 2024, held from May 27 to 29 this year in Dubai.
During the event, Controllab reaffirmed its commitment to promoting knowledge and excellence in laboratory medicine at its booth and through various activities. The company presented six scientific abstracts in poster form at the congress, highlighting its educational focus on an international level.
This commitment had already been demonstrated at previous events, such as the ADLM (Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine 2023) in California and IFCC WorldLab-Euromedlab 2023 in Rome.
The Controllab team actively engaged in discussions and collaborations with professionals from around the world dedicated to promoting quality in clinical analytical routines. These connections are essential for Controllab’s current and future initiatives, as emphasized by Luiza Bottino:
– Participating in IFCC WorldLab 2024 allowed us to expand our partnerships with professionals, manufacturers, and representatives from different locations. Additionally, it provided insights into the market’s general needs. Another interesting aspect was the scientific program, which addressed topics of significant impact across different continents, such as ensuring the quality of results obtained in POCT systems, self-tests, and laboratory-developed tests (LDTs), emphasized Luiza.
Benefits for customers
The expansion of Controllab’s international activities began in 2017, when the company started participating in events in Latin America, bringing significant benefits to the global laboratory segment. Since then, the company has partnered with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) to provide strains of reference not only in Brazil but also in other countries across the Latin American region.
This expansion has also enabled laboratories from various continents to access innovative quality control programs that were previously unprecedented worldwide. These global initiatives strengthen Controllab’s mission to offer efficient services, ensuring unquestionable performance and accurate results for its clients.