Following its pioneering and leadership trajectory, the company is the first to offer Proficiency Testing for the veterinary segment.
Leishmaniasis is a tropical parasitic disease caused by different species of protozoa from the genus Leishmania. Accurate diagnosis is essential for proper treatment and to prevent the disease from being mistaken for other clinical conditions.
Pioneering program
Controllab, a reference in quality control for testing in Latin America, in an unprecedented initiative, offers the Molecular Biology program for Leishmania.
The program includes the Proficiency Testing (PT), also known as External Quality Assessment (EQA), which follows the criteria of ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17043. This PT stands out by obtaining the complete genetic material of the parasite. This allows the reporting of any molecular method, providing the most comprehensive monitoring of the analytical routine.
In addition to this program, Controllab offers a wide variety of external and internal controls to assist veterinary analytical routines, ensuring result accuracy and contributing to the prevention of zoonotic risks.
What are the benefits of participating in the PT?
By participating in the PT, the laboratory conducts a periodic inter-laboratory comparison of results to evaluate the accuracy of the results and the effectiveness of monitoring the analytical processes.
The laboratory that opts to participate in a proficiency program finds in the solution the continuous improvement of its process, not just compliance with a legal requirement (CFMV Resolution No. 1374).
Proficiency Testing is responsible for providing important information for the laboratories’ routine, such as identifying failures and enabling corrective or preventive actions.

Do you want recognition for excellence in your reports?
Contact a Controllab specialist now, enhance your establishment’s reputation, and increase your audience’s satisfaction.