The accurate identification of the disease plays a crucial role in clinical treatment, considering the symptoms similar to those of common respiratory infections.
Pertussis, a highly contagious disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, has become a global concern due to a significant increase in cases across various countries, including Brazil. As of the date of this publication, the Brazilian Ministry of Health has confirmed 517 cases, more than double the number recorded in 2023.
In this context, it is essential for clinical laboratories to have their routines monitored to ensure efficiency and credibility in diagnosing Bordetella. The issuance of accurate reports contributes to precise medical decisions and successful treatment of the disease.
Additionally, precise reports provide essential information to understand the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the circulating pathogen.
Quality Control Programs for Bordetella
Controllab, a leader in quality control for laboratory tests in Latin America, offers the Bordetella – Molecular Biology and Bordetella sp. – Culture programs.
These programs include Proficiency Testing (PT), also known as External Quality Control (EQC). In these PTs, lyophilized items prepared from an isolation containing the complete genome or clinical samples are sent. This allows for the evaluation of the accuracy of the methods used in identifying the microorganism.
The Bordetella – Molecular Biology program also provides Internal Quality Control (IQC), which promotes continuous monitoring of the analytical routine.
Controllab’s external controls are conducted in accordance with ISO/IEC 17043. Both these and the internal controls provided by the company are designed to meet brazilian regulatory requirements, such as RDC 786/2023, as well as international standards.
Efficiency of Analyses
With the goal of promoting analytical excellence in the identification of respiratory viruses, Controllab also offers the Molecular Panel for Respiratory Infections and Pneumonias, designed for multiplex molecular systems.

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