In the midst of the spread of the disease, participating in the Proficiency Testing is essential for the reliability of the analyzes and evaluation of the implementation of routines Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the current outbreak of Monkeypox (MPX), or Simian Smallpox, constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). In Brazil, the Ministry of Health reported that notifications now exceed 1350 cases. Attentive of the needs of the diagnostics sector, Controllab, in yet another pioneering initiative, invites laboratories to participate in the first round of the Proficiency Testing for Monkeypox (MPX). The Proficiency Testing (PT) follows the criteria of ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17043 and will be sent on September 12th. The round will be free of charge for laboratories that indicate their interest in this link. Suspected cases need to be quickly identified to prevent the spread of the disease. Accurate laboratory reports contribute to efficient diagnoses and prompt patient isolation. Laboratory routines need continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation of this follow-up, as they play a key role in the main processes of detection, assessment, response, notification and monitoring of public health events. Proficiency Testing, also known as External Quality Control, is an effective quality control tool for determining the analytical performance of the laboratory and a necessary requirement for laboratory accreditation processes (ISO 15189, ISO 17025, PALC-SBPC/ML, DICQ-SBAC, etc.) and regulatory bodies.