Discover how Lot-by-Lot Certification is transforming the diagnostic field and boosting the reliability of analyses.
The Lot-by-Lot Certification Program is the evidence your laboratory needs to enhance safety in the analytical routine of POCTs.
With certified lots, your establishment already has a prior evaluation of the lot integrated into the routine, highlighting the consistency compared to the previous lot and the reliability of the analyses.
The certificate from the Lot-by-Lot Program, issued by Controllab, ensures that the POCT lots are consistent with previous ones from the same manufacturer, promoting efficiency and cost savings for laboratories and other clinical analysis establishments.
What are the benefits of using lots certified by the Program?
This certification brings efficiency and cost savings to your establishment, promoting:
- Quality and reliability: prevents potential issues or deviations that could affect the performance of the devices;
- Simplification of routine: with certification, the introduction of a new lot into analytical processes becomes simpler and faster;
- Reduction of costs and resources: saves reagents, time, and effort required for performance testing and analyses between lots, optimizing the frequency of Internal Quality Control.

Which manufacturers have already certified their quality?
Abbott, Biosys, Eco Diagnóstica, and MedLevensohn have already secured certification for a selection of their products:

To view the updated list of certified lots, please visit this link.
These manufacturers meet the needs of your audience, helping to reduce costs and efforts in monitoring the transition to new reagent lots in the analytical routine. Talk to your manufacturer and bring this benefit to your routine!
For more information about the Lot-by-Lot Certification Program, visit this exclusive channel and speak directly with the specialist for this solution.