World Congress of Societies of Laboratory Pathology and Medicine, which brings together several events in the same period, will have the participation of the reference company in laboratory quality control. From September 29th to October 2nd, 2022, the XXXI World Congress of the World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPaLM) will take place. This event will also host the XXVI Congress of the Latin American Association of Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine (ALAPAC / ML), the XVIII Uruguayan Congress of Clinical Pathology (SUPAC) and the 1st International Meeting of Resident Doctors in Laboratory Pathology and Medicine. Controllab is a confirmed presence at the event. With solutions that promote analytical excellence, the company is a reference in quality control for Latin America. “This is another opportunity for us to meet our customers and partners in person to exchange experiences”, highlights Rita Andrade – manager of Expansion and International Relations. On October 1st, Controllab will participate in the round table “Organization of laboratories in a global world”, promoted by the Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Patología Clínica/Medicina de Laboratorio – Ecuadorian Society of Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine. Luiza Bottino, Technical Manager of Services, will represent the company as a speaker in one of the blocks of the activity, talking about “Procesos eficientes con la Gestión de la Calidad Analítica” – “Efficient processes with Analytical Quality Management”, from a practical example on the need for a strategy to guarantee quality analysis during the monitoring of the External and Internal Controls. As an exhibitor at the event, Controllab will also take its educational initiatives to the congress. Located at booth number 12, the company will promote classes for professional updating and topics on quality tools.

Check the themes:
Internal Quality Control: How to use data for decision making? Rafael Lopes, General Services Manager (Controllab) Benchmarking and Laboratory Indicators: Success Stories Luiza Bottino, Technical Services Manager (Controllab)
Strategies to identify and analyze preanalytical errors in laboratory practice Dr. Nairo Sumita, director of the Department of Biochemistry at Hospital de Clínicas (DLC HC FMUSP) and Medical Advisor at Fleury External Quality Control: Reliability and excellence in the laboratory Rafael Lopes, General Manager of Services (Controllab) Quality specifications: Rational use Dr. Klever Saenz, President of the Ecuadorian Society of Clinical Pathology/ML and Vice President Accreditation ALAPAC/ML
01/10 (Saturday)
Quality Control among Microscopists Dr. María Elizabete Mendes, coordinator of the Center for Quality and Sustainability at Hospital de Clínicas (DLC HC FMUSP) Proficiency Testing: How to deal with inadequate results? Derliane de Oliveira, Advisor in Quality Management (Promed/Panama) and Ex-Manager of the PALC (SBPC/ML) Experience of a laboratory in Uruguay with the Benchmarking and Laboratory Indicators Program B.C. Erica Ferrari (Biocor/Genus – Uruguay) To participate, register at