Laboratórios Clínicos

August 31, 2021
Analytical quality is the subject of the course at the 2nd Virtual Congress of SBPC/ML
Enrollees in this pre-congress course will improve their interpretation of Quality Control data and learn about features that streamline their analyses Next Saturday, September 4, starting […]
August 17, 2021
Controllab will discuss Analytical Quality at the 2nd Virtual Congress of SBPC/ML
In another participation in the pre-congress courses, the company will present real cases of Quality Control and explain how to extract information for the analytical routine […]
August 16, 2021
Controllab promotes Laboratory Indicators and Benchmarking Course at the 2nd Virtual Congress of SBPC/ML
Traditional pre-congress course will address valuable questions about the practice of benchmarking laboratory indicators, aiming at better use for managers and teams to strengthen the use […]