In an exclusive interview, Santiago Fares-Taie – the biochemist who coordinates the Task Force Young Scientists – explained the group’s role in the International Federation of […]
Specialists detail definitions, uses and how is the acquisition process of MRs in Controllab’s information environment Controllab’s educational manager, José Antonio Tesser Poloni, spoke with those […]
Especialista apresentará a importância da gestão de indicadores em Encontro Online Os profissionais que desejam ampliar o conhecimento sobre indicadores e saber como eles podem contribuir […]
Normative instruction makes it mandatory to carry out the karyotype exam in the screening of candidates for gamete donation, highlighting the importance of quality control for […]
Especialista mostrará como simplificar a administração dessa ferramenta e ampliar a competitividade do laboratório em iniciativa educacional promovida pela Controllab O Encontro Online e as suas […]
Encontro evidenciou a importância do Programa de Benchmarking de Indicadores Laboratoriais. A Controllab realizou em fevereiro deste ano um treinamento sobre o Programa de Benchmarking de […]
Iniciativa entre as empresas proporciona mais segurança para as rotinas analíticas. O programa Fornecedor Colaborador da Controllab conta com a adesão da FirstLab. É uma parceria […]
Analytical quality assessment tool, also known as External Control, has more effective use in the laboratory if some attributes are considered To produce reliable and consistent […]
Em recente Encontro Online os participantes foram atualizados quanto às legislações aplicáveis e adquiriram subsídios sobre como tratar deste assunto na rotina laboratorial.
In a series of interviews with Controllab, specialists highlight to the public of clinical pathology and laboratory medicine, the approaches for the construction of works that […]
In an interview to Controllab, Dr. Nairo Sumita, emphasizes the importance of congresses and explains ways to minimize pre-analytical interferences in fasting. Professor at USP Medical […]
O objetivo é aprimorar a identificação de possíveis casos suspeitos para fomentar as ações de enfrentamento à doença O Edital de Chamamento 16, de 22 de […]
Cases registered in the neighboring country show the importance of rapid and accurate diagnosis In September, the Argentine Ministry of Health identified an outbreak of bilateral […]
Com foco no controle de qualidade, a aula online e gratuita auxiliará os participantes a realizar uma eficiente análise crítica e investigação de resultados, visando a melhoria na rotina dos laboratórios
An initiative launched to assess the reliability of analyzes and implementation of routines to detect the virus in humans is extended to companion animals. First round […]
World Congress of Societies of Laboratory Pathology and Medicine, which brings together several events in the same period, will have the participation of the reference company […]
The company will participate in the scientific program of the event and in the pre-congress courses. During the exhibition, courses will also be offered at the […]
Evento online é mais uma iniciativa da empresa na área de educação e proporcionará aos participantes expertise em laudos de eritrogramas. Está marcado para o dia […]
In a recent publication, the Brazilian Ministry of Health reinforced the guidelines regarding the need to intensify laboratory and epidemiological surveillance to control the spread of […]
In the midst of the spread of the disease, participating in the Proficiency Testing is essential for the reliability of the analyzes and evaluation of the […]
The credibility conquered during this trajectory is not only due to technical competence, but fundamentally to values such as ethics, experience, trust and innovation Since July […]
Avaliação Laboratorial do Espermograma será tema em encontro online e gratuito, promovido em mais uma iniciativa educativa da Controllab No dia 13 de julho, às 15h, […]
The increasing number of positive SARS-CoV2 cases requires greater attention for a correct diagnosis and distinction from other viruses in circulation In Brazil, data from Fiocruz […]
Fundamental in medical procedures, Immunohematology evolves continuously, requiring updates from professionals and controls for more assertive and efficient results Immunohematology is a specialty of Hemotherapy related […]
The “Memories Controllab” initiative launched last month seeks to compose a collection of laboratory quality control During its nearly 45 years of history, Controllab has promoted […]
The solution complements the quality control tools and ensures the analytical accuracy of the identification of IgG and Total antibodies to SARS-CoV2 The Reference Material (RM) […]
In yet another unprecedented initiative, the company is recognized as a producer of Reference Material with proven commutativity for Covid-19 Since the beginning of the Covid-19 […]
The procedure brings fundamental information to the clinician, contributing significantly to the diagnosis and follow-up of pathologies related to infertility The Spermogram is a laboratory test […]
The company started 2022 with updates for its users. The documents that show the commitment of the laboratory to proficiency testing were reformulated to support laboratory […]
The equipment distributor has teamed up with the quality control provider to evidence and ensure the quality of the “BC 30 vet”, a high-tech four-part hematology […]