Benchmarking of Indicators

August 16, 2021
Controllab promotes Laboratory Indicators and Benchmarking Course at the 2nd Virtual Congress of SBPC/ML
Traditional pre-congress course will address valuable questions about the practice of benchmarking laboratory indicators, aiming at better use for managers and teams to strengthen the use […]
May 3, 2021
Fundamental for laboratories, Benchmarking will focus on yet another event with Controllab participation
MetroAlimentos will bring the discussion about how the tool, which contributes to the productivity and sustainability of organizations, can be important as a laboratory strategy From […]
February 23, 2021
On the first day of ALAPAC/ML, Controllab will participate with a focus on Benchmarking of Indicators
On March 28, the date that ALAPAC/ML starts, Controllab will contribute to the Benchmarking and Laboratory Indicator Workshop The XXV Congress of the Latin American Association […]