
April 6, 2020
Quality control, an ally of the laboratory in the period of adaptations to COVID-19
To protect the population during the period of spread of the new coronavirus, isolation measures are necessary, often moving away from more experienced or strategic professional […]
April 2, 2020
Automation Hematology Program includes assessment for Alinity systems
Laboratory quality control programs of Controllab for hematology analysis in automated systems include Alinity systems and provide comparison between laboratories of users of this system. Participating […]
March 17, 2020
LumiraDX: more quality, safety and performance with the Collaborating Supplier Program of Controllab
English multinational, focused on the Point of Care Testing segment, highlights search for process improvements by including its remote laboratory tests in this partnership. A demanda […]
January 28, 2020
Pela primeira vez, temos uma recomendação oficial nacional para testes de sensibilidade
Em entrevista, médico patologista Jorge Sampaio, primeiro coordenador-geral do BrCAST, diz que portaria veio para preencher um vazio regulatório: “Havia uma demanda da OMS”. Um importante […]
December 17, 2019
Karyon Offers More Technology and Innovation by Partnering with SBPC/ML and Controllab Laboratory Indicator Benchmarking Program
Integration brought gains to LIS developer company and its clients, according to its commercial director Participants in the Laboratory Indicator Benchmarking Program (PBIL) – a management […]
December 11, 2019
Pixeon, partner of SBPC/ML and Controllab Laboratory Indicator Benchmarking Program
Laboratory Information Systems Developer (LIS) promoted in São Paulo a workshop organized in partnership with Controllab and SBPC/MLL Having access to information that allows us to […]
November 25, 2019
Confidentia, LIS company in Portugal, partners with the Benchmarking Program Laboratory indicators SBPC/ML and Controllab
Laboratory information system company, for 20 years in the market, promotes workshop to present the initiative to Portuguese laboratories Portuguese, Confidentia, a provider of clinical analysis […]
March 15, 2019
One more supplier is part of the Controllab Collaborating Supplier Program.
A Controllab, em sua busca contínua de disseminar a qualidade nos laboratórios, disponibiliza aos fornecedores de reagentes e equipamentos a participação no Programa Fornecedor Colaborador, com o […]