Estabelecimentos de saúde têm a oportunidade de destacar seu compromisso com a melhoria contínua e a segurança do paciente, conquistando ainda mais confiança do público.
The Online Forum on comparative indicator management covered practical and strategic cases to boost the efficiency and competitiveness of laboratories. Metricare, a platform supporting healthcare organizations […]
The company’s business manager emphasizes the importance of the partnership with Metricare in fostering continuous improvement in the healthcare sector. In the latest episode of Talking […]
The Online Forum addressed customer satisfaction indicators for laboratory competitiveness. In August, managers and professionals from laboratories participating in Metricare gathered for another Online Forum aimed […]
The technical director of the organization highlights the positive transformation Metricare has brought to the institution’s results. How is my laboratory positioned in the market compared […]
Wilson Shcolnik’s letter on his participation in the 2024 Conference in Canada published in the International Federation’s eNews. In June, Dr. Wilson Shcolnik and Dr. Alex […]
Metricare promotes an Online Forum with practical cases and strategies to boost the efficiency and competitiveness of laboratories. In the months of June and July, managers […]
The pilot project includes microbiology indicators to enhance efficiency and safety in clinical laboratories SBPC/ML and Controllab, partners in the laboratory module of indicators, are once […]
The director of HTS emphasized the importance of laboratories using an indicator management system in their routines in an exclusive interview. In an increasingly dynamic and […]
New strategic partnership promotes more efficiency and reliability in decision-making in the laboratory sector. In a significant move to improve the management of laboratory indicators, the […]
Novo episódio do ‘Conversa D’ traz a Gestora da Matrix destacando a integração e o sistema de informação nos processos laboratoriais. Sabia que é possível maximizar […]
Organized by SBPC/ML and Controllab, the initiative solidifies the institutions’ commitment to improving healthcare sector quality and efficiency. On Saturday, November 25th, 2023, the 1st Laboratory […]
Coordenado pela SBPC/ML em parceria com Controllab, o grupo busca estabelecer padrões de excelência na captura de dados relevantes para a medicina laboratorial. Acontecerá no dia […]
Discover the essential metrics of the recollection indicator and boost your results. The recollection indicator is extremely relevant for laboratory outcomes, as it can influence productivity, […]
New platform reduces costs, increases efficiency and promotes the sustainability of your business. Metricare is the data platform that facilitates day-to-day decision-making in health and well-being companies, […]
Desenvolvedoras são as novas parceiras do Programa de Benchmarking e Indicadores Laboratoriais da Controllab e SBPC/ML. As desenvolvedoras HTS e TCM são as novas parceiras do […]
Abordagem ressaltou as atualizações do marco regulatório que ampliaram exigências de garantia de qualidade e gestão dos dados. A relevância dos indicadores laboratoriais foi tema de […]
Conheça as diretrizes da nova resolução sobre o uso de indicadores e impulsione a competitividade do laboratório. A Resolução RDC 786/2023 trouxe atualizações regulatórias para o setor […]
Encontro evidenciou a importância do Programa de Benchmarking de Indicadores Laboratoriais. A Controllab realizou em fevereiro deste ano um treinamento sobre o Programa de Benchmarking de […]
The course will bring discussions on how the practice of benchmarking laboratory indicators is essential for the management of laboratories and as a support for decision […]
Empresas unem especialistas no dia 22 de julho para compartilhar com os laboratórios como aplicar a estratégia de benchmarking de indicadores de forma simplificada Conhecer os […]
Aware of the challenges and needs of the analysis laboratories, the institutions add their experiences towards the delivery of data that contribute to the improvement of […]
MetroAlimentos will bring the discussion about how the tool, which contributes to the productivity and sustainability of organizations, can be important as a laboratory strategy From […]
The online event will highlight the Benchmarking of Indicators in the clinical laboratory, essential to ensure productivity and sustainability for the organization From April 16 to […]
Evento será realizado em parceria com a Multi Centrais. Nele, a Controllab abordará sobre o tema Benchmarking de Indicadores como Estratégia Laboratorial No dia 23 de março, […]
On March 28, the date that ALAPAC/ML starts, Controllab will contribute to the Benchmarking and Laboratory Indicator Workshop The XXV Congress of the Latin American Association […]
From the analysis of benchmarking data, it is possible to outline strategies to boost services and generate better opportunities for the laboratory. Laboratories were already being […]
The partnership between the players envisages improvements to the quality control routines of the laboratories. Controllab – the largest provider of Laboratory Quality Control in Brazil […]