World Congress of Societies of Laboratory Pathology and Medicine, which brings together several events in the same period, will have the participation of the reference company […]
The company will participate in the scientific program of the event and in the pre-congress courses. During the exhibition, courses will also be offered at the […]
Evento online é mais uma iniciativa da empresa na área de educação e proporcionará aos participantes expertise em laudos de eritrogramas. Está marcado para o dia […]
Avaliação Laboratorial do Espermograma será tema em encontro online e gratuito, promovido em mais uma iniciativa educativa da Controllab No dia 13 de julho, às 15h, […]
Empresa levará cursos para os profissionais traduzirem informações do controle de qualidade em decisões estratégicas e discorrerá sobre as mudanças previstas na revisão da RDC 302/2005 […]
Activity carried out by Controllab will bring valuable discussions about good practices and will address the routines of different segments, from clinical microbiology, to food industries, […]
Activity will bring discussion on method verification and validation, as external quality control contributes to laboratory improvement and production and conservation of reference strains On October […]
The company will be present at the Remeq-I workshop, which is one of the event’s activities and aims to promote the exchange of experiences, technical collaboration […]
The company will participate in a round table with the theme “Metrological traceability of laboratory tests in perspective”, bringing discussions with experts from different entities.
The activity will approach the good practices to ensure the quality of microbiological results and will include the participation of two company specialists.
A workshop promoted by Controllab will allow participants in the activity to access information that contributes to better decisions in their analytical processes On September 9, […]
Activity will bring discussions about analytical observations in Proficiency Testing for Covid-19, impacts of the pandemic on Accreditation Programs, learning and contributions of the pandemic in […]
Enrollees in this pre-congress course will improve their interpretation of Quality Control data and learn about features that streamline their analyses Next Saturday, September 4, starting […]
The course will bring discussions on how the practice of benchmarking laboratory indicators is essential for the management of laboratories and as a support for decision […]
Com o tema “Desempenho dos dispositivos in vitro frente ao Ensaio de Proficiência”, empresa promoverá workshop com comparação de desempenho dos sistemas, incluindo dados internacionais Abordando […]
Empresa contribuirá no tema “Qualidade nos laboratórios clínicos em tempos de pandemia”, falando sobre as observações analíticas identificadas no Ensaio de Proficiência para Covid-19 No dia […]
In another participation in the pre-congress courses, the company will present real cases of Quality Control and explain how to extract information for the analytical routine […]
Traditional pre-congress course will address valuable questions about the practice of benchmarking laboratory indicators, aiming at better use for managers and teams to strengthen the use […]
The company will be present in pre-congress courses, round table and workshop with data that translate enriching information for decisions in the laboratory’s analytical routines Between […]
Empresas unem especialistas no dia 22 de julho para compartilhar com os laboratórios como aplicar a estratégia de benchmarking de indicadores de forma simplificada Conhecer os […]
O Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública de Santa Catarina (LACEN/SC) completa 70 anos em 2021 e, para celebrar esse período, diversas atividades estão em curso O […]
MetroAlimentos will bring the discussion about how the tool, which contributes to the productivity and sustainability of organizations, can be important as a laboratory strategy From […]
The online event will highlight the Benchmarking of Indicators in the clinical laboratory, essential to ensure productivity and sustainability for the organization From April 16 to […]
Evento será realizado em parceria com a Multi Centrais. Nele, a Controllab abordará sobre o tema Benchmarking de Indicadores como Estratégia Laboratorial No dia 23 de março, […]
No dia 29 de março, Controllab participará do congresso com tema que contribuirá para a qualidade analítica dos laboratórios O XXV Congresso da Asociación Latinoamericana de […]
On March 28, the date that ALAPAC/ML starts, Controllab will contribute to the Benchmarking and Laboratory Indicator Workshop The XXV Congress of the Latin American Association […]