In 2016, some users of the laboratory quality control service of Controllab participated in the survey “THE CONSENSUS FOR THE RESEARCH OF AUTOANTIBODIES IN HEp-2 CELLS […]
Mentor do comitê lista benefícios da adoção das normas BrCAST – EUCAST na rotina. A implementação das normas BrCAST-EUCAST – compulsória desde dezembro do ano passado […]
Em entrevista, médico patologista Jorge Sampaio, primeiro coordenador-geral do BrCAST, diz que portaria veio para preencher um vazio regulatório: “Havia uma demanda da OMS”. Um importante […]
Partnership offers quality assurance, more interaction and knowledge exchange As part of its proposal to offer tools for the constant improvement of laboratory results and in […]
Integration brought gains to LIS developer company and its clients, according to its commercial director Participants in the Laboratory Indicator Benchmarking Program (PBIL) – a management […]
Laboratory Information Systems Developer (LIS) promoted in São Paulo a workshop organized in partnership with Controllab and SBPC/MLL Having access to information that allows us to […]
The laboratory receives the vials from the selected microorganisms With the launch of the Strain Control Program, Controllab offers its customers a program that allows the […]
Laboratory information system company, for 20 years in the market, promotes workshop to present the initiative to Portuguese laboratories Portuguese, Confidentia, a provider of clinical analysis […]
Os desafios que os laboratórios enfrentam para coletar as informações padronizadas para o Programa de Indicadores e Benchmarking Laboratorial vêm sendo discutidos pela SBPC/ML e pela […]
A Controllab, em sua busca contínua de disseminar a qualidade nos laboratórios, disponibiliza aos fornecedores de reagentes e equipamentos a participação no Programa Fornecedor Colaborador, com o […]